The people of Huntington, and all of Suffolk County, are well known to be angry and frustrated about spiraling taxes and Lilco's monopoly on energy rates.
Dividing the costs equally would meet U.S. needs to save money and European sensitivities about America's monopoly in providing the service.
China's recent embargo raised global alarm about Beijing's monopoly of the crucial minerals.
In 2007, a group of Arab Dutch have complained about the television network Al Jazeera's effective monopoly on Arabic broadcasting in the country.
So when Corbis went around spending millions of dollars on rights to photographs and paintings, it created anxious buzz about Gates's $(other$) monopoly.
Because of his proximity to the mechanics of rewriting history, Winston Smith nurses doubts about the Party and its monopoly on truth.
Concerns about the Pequots' monopoly and the parimutuel's survival may have cost Mr. Rowland the vote.
The piece also purveys information about the diamond industry's monopoly through controlled release of diamonds and their portrayal as status symbols.
Gibbons had plenty of time to be ready before the murmurings about his monopoly of the banking business came to a head.
His defensive replies to questions about the company's policy on payola and its commercial monopoly in Minot, N.D., failed to resonate with the inquisitors.