General Hammond recalls "a philosophical skirmish about its mandate.
However, he was elected with such a small majority of 43 (761 against 718 votes) that questions were immediately raised about his mandate.
In early April 2012, presumably to end any confusion about its mandate, the station changed its local branding to CTV Kitchener.
But he consented to several interviews today to respond to members of Congress who have raised questions about his mandate.
OPIC sought the opinion because there was concern about its mandate as a self-sustaining agency.
That left little question about her mandate.
Friendly, quick-witted and unswervingly frank, Goldner is adamant about the museum's mandate to build a great collection, even if inflated prices result.
The argument is about its mandate.
"Right now," I went on doggedly, "I'm talking about my mandate, not my manhood."
There can be no question about his mandate.