From that night on, Whitney's laughing anecdotes about her day's endeavors became a delightful ritual at each evening meal.
The most refreshing aspect of this portrait is that while the two women are deeply serious about their endeavors, they refuse to take themselves too seriously.
Madonna responded by releasing a statement saying she was saddened that Banda had chosen to act negatively about her endeavors.
The previous director, Robert Fri, resigned in 2001, citing concerns about the institution's scientific endeavors.
The bearded, pipe-smoking Mr. Sauter has no reservations about his new endeavors.
In June 2010, Hsieh released Delivering Happiness, a book about his entrepreneurial endeavors.
And finally, not everything must be costly about our snow-sport endeavors.
"Señora Prosperi, we know all about your husband's past endeavors."
Dancing With The Stars Season 13 Chynna Phillips is asked about her musical endeavors.
Chaitin has written a number of books about his endeavors and the subsequent philosophic and mathematical fallout from them.