Furious about costly leases OTB is stuck with, Mrs. Dukes has created strict new rules and reviews.
We're not talking about 10-year leases after all.
The sanctuary, run by the National Audubon Society, owns about 1,100 acres and leases another 1,200 acres from farmers during the spring migration.
"I don't know if I've told you about leases or not," he writes, as if he couldn't go back over his manuscript and see whether he has or not.
To learn about leases, see Leasing Commercial Space.
Or hundreds of other lawyers who know chapter and verse about leases, alimony and medical malpractice but nothing about assault or battery.
Now, Mr. Giuliani is talking about long-term leases.
In 1923, a scandal broke about corrupt leases of Government oilfields known as Teapot Dome.
While they wait, they learn about leases and the separation between church and state, and they practice their limited English.
Talk to me about second mortgages and triple-net leases.