It's all about incentives, they claim, and it just so happens that the biggest positive impact is on the lifestyles of the rich.
The private sector need to fight for better pensions and stop moaning about incentives to get the best key workers into public services.
"If they start to dismantle their weapons programs, then we can talk about incentives," a senior administration official said.
Car executives are trying to draw attention to their cars, hoping to shift buyers from thinking so much about incentives.
"But I think we could think very creatively about other incentives."
Of course the marriage debate isn't just about economic incentives and social policy but about values.
Finally, remember to think about non-financial incentives as these can be more effective.
What about financial incentives for pharmacists to initiate such switches?
Today's directive does not say anything about such financial incentives.
We can even talk about incentives in this regard, and that is obviously a positive thing.