So far, I have been lucky enough never to get an urgent summons from the school about a broken bone or high fever.
"Tell me about batfly fever, for it is one of the subjects I must learn about."
Sean pulled George aside and told him about the earlier headache, fever, and nausea.
The thing is, I didn't even know about scarlet fever.
In hoarse whispers, these workers talk about their aching joints and fever - but still, they're making it into work.
"I don't know a thing about yellow fever."
In 1916 he published an article about spotted fever.
Uhura frowned, scanning her memory for what she knew about Rigelian fever, which wasn't much.
Health experts have known about dengue fever for more than 200 years.
And if she's wrong about one thing maybe I can stop worrying about rheumatic fever.