In the newspaper, almost every day, I read about corporations that have millions and billions of dollars.
"I knew nothing about corporations or business before," he said.
As I've stated, the rich already knew about corporations, which became popular in the days of sailing ships.
The audit comes as similar questions are being raised about other public corporations and authorities.
That first guy's idea of 'bottom up' is still all about governments and corporations acting.
You say unpleasant things about arrogant corporations, whose legal counsel I happen to be.
Stuck in the 17th Century with a piece of paper rendered useless because nobody at the time knew about global corporations.
It is about American corporations marketing values of family and community, along with their products, on shelves around the world.
"He talks about corporations as though they were animals of some kind."
Whatever you many think about corporations, it is the government who makes the rules that they play by.