This is a book, then, about liberal believers and the consequences of their beliefs.
Now comes a study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, that was conducted by research teams including both skeptics about mammograms and true believers.
The sixth volume in a series about true believers who confront the Antichrist.
Despite Mr. Heard's intrepid investigative skills, however, his book about believers in Revelation, sacred and profane, doesn't contain many revelations of its own.
And both write about lost souls and cult-joiners, the addicts and believers.
I do not know about other believers.
Volume 7 in a series about true believers who confront the Antichrist.
Volume 7 in a series about true believers who confront the Antichrist after the rapture of the saved.
There are two problems finding out a lot about believers in gnosticism:
Other than a lot of abstract ideological notions about fascistic believers in a master race- "No," he said firmly.