He knew nothing about airlines, and even less about Randolph Fields.
Do you have any information about long-haul, low-cost airlines?
Also, investors are enthusiastic about airlines at a time of prosperity in the industry.
Complaints about airlines rose to such a level last year that Congress came close to passing legislation mandating specific levels of service.
Other, less grim, sites include information about airlines and their performance.
There were plays about Korean airlines and frog farms.
Hughes decided that its major need was not so much technical as it was learning about airlines and what they were looking for in passenger entertainment.
When the architects of the European Union were devising ways to bring the continent's nations closer together, they probably didn't think much about airlines.
"It's one thing to be scared about airlines and consumer stocks but it's another to give up on equities in general."
Travel News consisted of short reports about airlines and airports, car rentals and the like.