The early months of 1961 saw an intensification of US pressure on Cuba, initiated by the rupture of diplomatic relations on 3 January, and culminating in the abortive Bay of pigs invasion on 17 April.
Bay of Pigs, in Cuba; the site of the abortive Bay of Pigs Invasion by ex-Cubans, supported by the U.S.
The National Guard cooperated with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in the preparation for the abortive Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba, permitting its bases to be used for training and staging areas.
The abortive Bay of Pigs invasion, conducted by anti-Commmunist Cubans covertly supported by the United States, followed in April 1961.
The islands gained attention in the early 1960s due to the activities of Radio Swan, that began broadcasting in May 1960 during preparation for, and during, the abortive Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba.
The abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, launched on April 16-17, 1961, prepared with the assistance of the CIA's "Miami Station" (also known under the code name JM/WAVE).
As he considered his position the night before, the General Secretary compared himself to President Kennedy and the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion.
It carried out the abortive Bay of Pigs Invasion landings in Cuba on 17 April 1961.
He notes that Kennedy, in the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, and Eisenhower, in the U-2 affair, ended up taking blame for the failures and later seeing their popularity recover.
But Cuban officials placed the crisis in the context of the threat of an American military invasion, mindful of the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion by Cuban exiles in 1961.