So the abortion method does not end the pregnancy.
Machine vacuum aspiration is the most common abortion method used in the first 5 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
The California plaintiffs said the 2003 law created a burden because common abortion methods could violate the law.
As a result, they are concerned that the ban could apply to virtually all abortion methods used after the final week of the first trimester.
This is the first time since Roe that Congress has voted to ban any abortion method.
The ban, which polls show has popular support, would have been the first Congressional move to outlaw a particular abortion method.
In general, obstetricians told me, their choice of abortion method depends mainly on the fetus' size.
Our panel could not find any identified circumstance in which the procedure was the only safe and effective abortion method.
Women have also written books and articles explaining types of abortion methods.
The ban, had it survived, would have been the first Congressional move to outlaw a particular abortion method.