Amid the rubble of aborted projects and failed commissions, New York's major opera houses do - contrary to current opinion - occasionally try again.
Left with debts from the aborted project, Price once more escaped to France in 1861.
Planning the 1989 trip seems to have benefited from the aborted project.
He recently recalled the aborted project: "Arthur had a most unhappy history.
The idea to use zombies for "Millennium" arose from a separate aborted project.
Ideas from an aborted project would re-emerge years later in another guise.
She also discussed details about her aborted project, "Union Place" and insights into her illustrious career.
The beginning of the character of Nausicaä is in an aborted project of Miyazaki's.
He and other military experts say the aborted project is a case study in the challenges of building antimissile weapons and the consequences of failure.
Hitchcock's other collaboration with the screenwriter, North by Northwest (1959), was followed by several aborted projects.