Of a mixed, aboriginal race, they are unwarlike, unable to protect themselves, and forbidden the possession of arms.
It will readily be seen, from this, that the Voormis were a somewhat aboriginal race, with an ethnic heritage of the darkest and most revolting type.
Travellers and Trogs (a primitive aboriginal race) are to the Wamphyri what the coconut is to Earth's tropical islanders.
"We simply give titles and royal rank to our leaders, the better to hold together the widely separated starsystems and their human and aboriginal races."
Though humans were dominant, just as they were throughout the galaxy, there were also representatives of the Empire's aboriginal races.
The aboriginal race of the planet Alaspin.
Rawlinson suggested that they may be the "Bhils, Gonds, or other aboriginal races of central India"
On each of the five walls there hung one of the parchment paintings, all of which seemed to be the work of some aboriginal race.
I mean, here's a skull that shows the Ainu, the Japanese aboriginal race, were in America nine thousand years ago.
From time to time miscegenation occurred and many other aboriginal races came into being, more or less human in appearance.