The mine provided a complex network of trading for economic and social exchange among the different aboriginal nations in Victoria.
These tribes have been magically drawn from varying periods and locations in history, such as the aboriginal nations of Mesoamerica and tropical Africa.
This definition recognized Canada's dual founding nature as an English-speaking, aboriginal and Francophone nation.
People of 11 aboriginal nations live in the territory of Quebec.
The aborigine, Michael Mansell, said at the conference that he needed support to set up an aboriginal nation within Australia.
The creation of a free-trade market of 800 million people exchanging $11.5 trillion worth of goods and services is, to many aboriginal nations, a step backward.
At the same time, the Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement could give aboriginal nations access to more customers and higher prices for their prized resources.
The original inhabitants were the aboriginal nation of the Yantruwanta.
"It also recognizes the right of aboriginal nations, within the framework of Québec legislation, to own and to control the lands that are attributed to them."
Parker initially established his base at Jackson's Creek near Sunbury, which was not close enough to the aboriginal nations of his protectorate.