Mao abolished private property and grouped the peasants into communes.
Inevitably the workers would rise up in a worldwide revolution and abolish private property, according to Marx.
They expel all non-believers, and abolish money and private property.
Like other countries with a democratic transition to a mixed economy, it did not abolish private property in capital.
Their aims were to abolish private property in Poland and to establish a global socialist republic.
So they preach a social revolution that immediately abolish the state, private property and classes.
He said that even though the Sandinista "revolution is socialist-oriented, we cannot think of abolishing private property."
I abolished private property because Bellinzona is a found object.
Of course, Communism abolished private property and so tended to freeze things on the real-estate front.
As part of a sweeping economic reform, Qaddafi abolished personal property, and, in 1978, announced that all factories were being handed over to the workers.