The nobility responded by rallying around the Jana Sangh and other right-wing parties that stood in opposition to Gandhi's attempts to abolish royal privileges.
He called for abolishing elite privileges - other party leaders denied they existed, for mandatory retirement at age 65, and for top officials to appear regularly before the public.
A part of his reforms Struensee abolished noble privileges and decided that state employments should be based on a person's qualifications only.
"It is necessary to abolish individual privileges, the confused approvals procedure, preferential treatment, without competition, of Government orders."
It abolished noble titles and privileges within two generations and required legal proof of nobility in the meantime.
The new administration gradually abolished most privileges of the samurai, including their right to a stipend from the government.
Declaring all free Athenians equal by law, Solon abolished inherited privileges and restructured political power establishing four classes based on wealth.
Nevertheless, up until 1965, the state made considerable efforts at weakening the church's role in society, abolished previous privileges granted to it and eliminated its educational and charitable activities.
The short-lived Neapolitan Republic tried to gain popular support by abolishing feudal privileges, but the mass of the people rebelled and in June 1799 the republicans surrendered.
He pledged the formation of a constitutional court to protect citizens' rights and announced plans to abolish special privileges of high-ranking partry functionaries.