The city seemed abnormally quiet.
Ransden's cabin seemed abnormally quiet, but a line of gray smoke trembled up from the chimney.
It wasn't yet evening, and the Métro was abnormally quiet: a lull between rush hours.
After the sounds of a few minutes before, the antechamber seemed abnormally quiet.
While visiting a school 30 minutes from her home that purported to teach both sign language and speech, she noticed that the classrooms seemed abnormally quiet.
The market was abnormally quiet, none of the shouting, action or bargaining that is common in Middle Eastern markets.
I whispered the question because the group was abnormally quiet.
Events seem abnormally quiet for the times which suggest that the Kirk had undergone a contented shift to Episcopacy by the 1640s.
Servaes watched the outline of his next meal as the elderly man came across the abnormally quiet Tower Bridge.
But officials at the National Hurricane Center say the last two decades have been abnormally quiet.