It was in this later ship that he was going to make his name as one of the ablest naval commanders of the coming war.
General Semyon Budenny of Russia's First Cavalry was the world's ablest commander of mounted troops, a handsome man with monumental mustaches and a vast knowledge of previous cavalry battles.
Hasti Dal Shah, the ablest Nepali commander in this sector, was killed in the first moments of the battle.
Maréchal Jean Lannes, one of Napoleon's ablest commanders and a personal friend, had been mortally wounded in action and died nine days after the battle.
McArthur became one of the ablest Federal commanders in the Western Theater.
Dienekes would lead, as the ablest small-unit commander.
A list of the officers of the 2nd U.S. Dragoons includes some of the ablest commanders of the U.S. Civil War.
Though considered one of the ablest commanders of his day, Salisbury was obliged to lift his fruitless siege of Dunbar castle after nearly five months without success.
If such was the case, he committed an error, such however as the ablest commanders will sometimes fall into.
One by one, the amir's strongholds fell to the French, and many of his ablest commanders were killed or captured so that by 1843 the Muslim state had collapsed.