Interests that politicians have abjectly failed to stand up to.
A special United Nations committee said this month that the Sudanese government had "abjectly failed to fulfill its commitment to identify, neutralize and disarm militia groups."
The non-selective experiment has failed abjectly.
"In the context of this decision, this board has abjectly failed to implement a compensation policy that is performance-based, shareholder-aligned or fair."
President Clinton has failed that simple test abjectly, not merely with undignified private behavior in a revered place, but with his cavalier response to public concern.
As we approach the first-year anniversary of the introduction of this bill into parliament, it is clear that the government's attempts to build a professional consensus behind it have abjectly failed.
He ousted bad principals and took over schools that had abjectly failed their children, promising to turn them around.
Is it any wonder that French or British citizens show little enthusiasm for a new treaty, when two of our longer serving leaders have abjectly failed to explain and justify the Union to their compatriots?
George Monbiot: A party elected to stamp out collusion has abjectly failed.
Writing in The Sunday Independent last week, Shaun Johnson, a political correspondent turned newspaper executive, said that blacks believe whites have failed abjectly in seeing reconciliation as a two-way street.