He was claiming her, conquering, demanding her abject submission.
She waited in abject submission for the spate of questions to begin, not knowing how she could answer him.
Then in 1189 Richard openly joined forces with Philip to drive Henry into abject submission.
The woman patted her eyes, her ears, and finally her mouth with both hands in a gesture of abject submission.
It had long been the white man's burden to keep Sudan's "fuzzy-wuzzies" in abject submission.
We are not content with negative obedience, nor even with the most abject submission.
At the Restoration he made an abject submission and escaped punishment.
Yet until the 20th century, the abject submission of the poems was pledged by male singers.
"Anything less than abject submission has to have some attack in it," Burdeaux said.
Thus isolated and abandoned by his allies, Raynald decided that abject submission was his only hope.