At that the Fishers fell into abject silence.
In abject silence, the cordwainer untied his garment and pulled it down as far as his waist.
Everything done, in fact, according to my orders," Gabrielle said finally, and cast an imperious glance on the unfortunate Lescar, now reduced to abject silence.
A look from Mustapha Mond reduced him to an abject silence.
I look at them in abject silence for a long wt.;6thought some time to penetrate.
The reporters had been cowed into abject silence.
Sam snarled, and they lapsed into abject silence in the darkness.
The procurator by contrast sat in abject silence, too miserable for her face to have any expression at all.
Ernie watched his wife in abject silence.
It was an awful threat, and the pitiful, abject silence which instantly fell attested its awfulness.