To classify them officially as such could compromise the ability of the United States to try them in military tribunals, officials say.
The important thing is the perceived ability of the United States to make a decision.
"The current approach is not working, and the ability of the United States to influence events is diminishing."
As it is, the ability of the United States to buy voter loyalty from its enemies has been crippled.
Then we will terminate the ability of the United States to make computers.
The amendment limits the ability of the United States to provide assistance.
The offical added that many people had in any case overestimated the ability of the United States to pick and choose among guerrilla groups.
In such circumstances, the ability of the United States to "assist" is limited to rendering unheeded advice.
The ability of the United States to act as "the world's policeman" has been constrained by its own citizens' historic aversion to foreign wars.
But the political climate does not look favorable and questions have been raised about the ability of the United States to enforce such a law.