Postulate 1: Everyone expects death, and one's abilities will likely deteriorate over time.
This ability gradually deteriorated until he was completely mute.
The results indicated all volunteers' ability to complete the simplest tasks had deteriorated.
He was able to copy complex abstract figures, but his artistic ability had deteriorated.
Episodic memory and semantic abilities deteriorate early in Alzheimer's disease.
His ability to concentrate has deteriorated, he said.
By 1892, however, with age his ability to draw had deteriorated, and he apparently was no longer able to earn a living.
Toby's behaviour and ability to perform his job have deteriorated to the point where the school is losing pupils.
At the end of Jordaens' career between 1652 and 1678 his creative and artistic ability had deteriorated.
Without meaningful feedback, a doctor's ability actually deteriorates over time.