They also possess the ability to command woodland creatures to fight alongside them.
The ability to not only command the stage, but all the people in a sold-out venue is no easy task.
Vortigaunts also display the ability to summon and command electrical energy without the need for technology.
"You get the ability to command enough volume to deal with, for example, a Wal-Mart, which is not going to deal with too many suppliers."
Mr. Breen maintains, however, that the film demonstrated "the ability to command a high ticket price, and people were going away happy."
Lorraine snapped, her awesome abilities to command under "fire" once again displayed.
It was the face of a proud man of unusual charm and, Monk guessed, a considerable ability to command others.
Your ability to take charge, to get that performance from those you commanded.
She knew that a lot of her excitement was in this power that Devlin had given her, this ability to command whatever she desired.
Youth, beauty, and an ability to command respect, Sammak reflected.