Without continuing evolution, the ability to digest milk could never have arisen.
This ability likely arose from the evolutionary need to distinguish a camouflaged predator from its background.
Its prehensile ability arises from the two rows of numerous tube feet that extend to the tip of each arm.
Therefore, likewise the rational ability to control matter cannot arise from mere matter itself (i.e. element eight).
Human cognitive and communicative abilities arise as people do things together while drawing on material, linguistic and other resources.
The brain's ability to think requires no supernatural ingredient, but arises purely as an emergent property of its organizational complexity.
Harrison goes on to speculate that perhaps our mysterious ability to comprehend our universe arises because it was made by beings roughly resembling us.
The exhibition's ability to ignite such a furor arose from its harrowing photographic component.
For example, it often happens that the ability to compete/canvass arises from a breach of duty committed during employment.
Similarly, the ability to compete may arise from the use and disclosure of business secrets.