The ability of oil companies to squeeze out more production from mature fields by using new technology has also added to the surplus.
Gritts showed an early talent for art and this ability added to his popularity.
Second, the machine's speed and power had to be increased and the ability to display color images added.
Initially the character could not fly, but this ability and many more have added to the character's appeal.
Its features include slices and the ability to add hotspots.
The ability to bind water can add substance to food, possibly serving as a fat replacement.
Now let's assume we also desire the ability to add borders to our windows.
It also said that the ability to nominate directors would add value to the company by making them more accountable.
Friends said last night that his legal ability and intellect would add a new dimension to the negotiations.
We should be, we're in a really good position; we've got good, young players and the ability to add to that.