After a pause Eric said, 'All right, sir; tell me about your abdominal complaint, Secretary.'
Twenty-five years later the pen was discovered during a CT scan for an abdominal complaint and removed from her stomach - still in working order.
The rest of the patients were recruited from the gastroenterology outpatient clinic, where they had presented with transient or persistent abdominal complaints.
"If you're seeing a doctor because of an abdominal complaint, it probably is not necesssary for him to hear in great detail about a bunionectomy you had years ago."
In mid-1993, Ackerman developed abdominal complaints and was found to have peritoneal carcinomatosis from a colonic cancer.
Thousands of others suffered bladder problems, sexual dysfunction and abdominal complaints, all stemming from diabetic neuropathy.
More people visit emergency rooms for chest pain each year than for any other symptom except abdominal complaints.
Barium fluoroscopic examinations and CT are commonly used to evaluate the patient with abdominal complaints.
An organic impairment best explains the lifelong chronicity of many of his abdominal complaints.
There's a new directive out about abdominal complaints.