He was not altogether disappointed when the smooth stones gave way to mud at the abbey gate.
He was pleased to see that as soon as they left the abbey gate, they were joined by the soldiers Sir James Selkirk had stationed near the abbey.
And, of course, Bartta knew that, which was why she obviously had had no compunction about allowing Riane to walk out the abbey gate.
As the stretcher rolled out the abbey gate, a ring of reporters and cameramen surged forward, ignoring the patrolman yelling at them to stand back.
Remembered how he had strode through the abbey gate like a black-robed warrior, to challenge that wolf pack of reporters.
The architect Valk also designed the abbey gate.
Go, some of you, knock at the abbey gate, And bid the Lady Abbess come to me, I will determine this before I stir.
He then gave the order to move off and led us out of the abbey gate.
Or if you will, I will come to the abbey gate, and bring you there by the least frequented way.
By chance, the prior was standing by the abbey gate when Cuthbert arrived.