The town was founded before 1865 and was abandoned sometime after 1886.
It remained in service for a few more years after that and was abandoned sometime before 1969.
The castle was abandoned sometime in the late 13th century, and deteriorated over time.
Then the town slowly faded away, having only ten inhabitants in 1940, and was totally abandoned sometime after 1951.
The population continued to decline until the community was abandoned sometime after 1911.
The settlement went into decline in the 1640s, and was abandoned sometime before 1660.
The theater appears to have been abandoned sometime during the fourth century.
The site was abandoned sometime between 1858 and 1864 when smallpox ravaged the Indian population.
The site was abandoned sometime between 1590 and 1641.
The site of Mayapan was abandoned sometime in the 15th century.