An important facet of Banks' aldermanic career is his position as chair of the Zoning Committee of the Chicago City Council.
Billingsley gained a seat on the Zoning Committee, the governing body charged with "maintaining the best interests of the community", to further his concept of commercial development.
The residents were allowed to retain the footbridge or replace it with another design previously approved by the Zoning Committee.
The Zoning Committee is scheduled to discuss the idea this Thursday.
Salisbury Planning and Zoning Committee.
"Mr. Mayor, I think you've made a terrible mistake," said Alderman Danny Davis, a black who lost chairmanship of the Zoning Committee.
JoAnn Macy, chairwoman of Community Board 4's Clinton Land Use and Zoning Committee, said, "People felt unsafe; they feared being mugged."
He is a former member of the Ferriday Planning and Zoning Committee and served too as the Ferriday city engineer.
Approval of the project followed last fall from the city's Plan Commission, Zoning Committee and Chicago City Council.
If the proposal is denied by the Zoning Committee, the city can still place bins on other city property, for example, along roads and sidewalks.