In recent years, however, some of those celebrating have come to see the famous victory as a defeat for the values that a Zionist state once represented.
The film strongly maintains that only the goal of a Zionist state could have given such demoralized people the strength they found.
But can anyone imagine the creation of the Zionist state without their determined, single-minded and sometimes autocratic leadership?
They serve in the army, send their children to state secular schools and fully support the secular Zionist state.
The Zionist state might continue to exist.
This person is hostile to the Jewish Zionist state of Israel.
I want peace, but without any ideological or human reconciliation with the Zionist state.
This would normally be an end to the "Zionist state", similarly to the end of the Soviet Union.
Unionist politicians are always falling over themselves in their rush to praise the Zionist state of Israel.
There are two differences between the Zionist state and the provos.