"The law doesn't allow it yet," said Adam Smith, a specialist at Zenith Media, an advertising buyer.
But he also works for people like Alex Abplanalp, 39, managing director of Zenith Media.
Rich Hamilton, chief executive of United States operations of Zenith Media, said: "This action is utterly without merit.
From her position on the outside, Betsy Frank, who monitors the networks as an executive vice president for Zenith Media, said: "Expectations are important.
Zenith Media has again lowered its estimate for advertising spending in the world's largest markets, reflecting the slowdown in economies around the world.
"We are getting a fair amount of bland presentations," said Steve Greenberger, director of print media at Zenith Media.
"Paxson's view is kind of risky," said Betsy Frank, executive vice president at Zenith Media, an ad agency.
"The networks should have known they couldn't do this," said Betsy Frank, senior vice president of Zenith Media.
Saatchi and Bates, in turn, are to hold a joint interest in Zenith Media, Cordiant's media-buying subsidiary, they said.
"The sweep is a hopeless anachronism," said Betsy Frank, senior vice president of Zenith Media, which buys TV time for advertisers.