Zen practice, she believes, offers the way to peace because of its focus on stillness and introspection.
Zen practice was very hard for her, as her husband traveled frequently and she bore most of the parental duties.
Not only has Williams read the book, but he recommends it to people who express interest in Zen practices.
This work remains popular in contemporary Zen practice.
His life's work is the development of the Japanese Zen practice as a way to a deep belief experience for Christians.
Koans can be used to provoke the "great doubt", and test a student's progress in Zen practice.
However, in Zen practice, a kōan is not meaningless, and not a riddle or a puzzle.
Pure conversation has often been compared to the Zen practice of koan.
Japanese teachers came to the West to share Zen practice and philosophy.
The Song deals with the methods of and attitudes towards daily Zen practice.