After the Zanzibar Revolution, in 1964 it was formally renamed to Peoples Palace and used as a government seat.
The sultan, Jamshid ibn Abdullah, was overthrown a month later during the Zanzibar Revolution.
The Zanzibar Revolution had occurred on 12 January 1964 and since then British forces had kept a presence in the area to safeguard European citizens.
Following the Zanzibar Revolution of 1964, he was appointed the area commissioner for Pemba.
This period saw British involvement in the Zanzibar Revolution.
This state of affairs was short lived and he was overthrown by the Zanzibar Revolution.
However, on 12 January 1964, the Zanzibar Revolution brought the ASP to power.
The building was a private residence until the Zanzibar Revolution, and was later converted into a block of flats.
The Zanzibar Revolution of January 12, 1964, ended the local Arab dynasty.
The Zanzibar Revolution of January 12, 1964 put an end to the local Arab dynasty.