More than 500 Zairian soldiers came out of hiding in the thick rain forest around the city today and turned themselves in to the rebel authorities.
At the border, Zairian soldiers try to stem the flow of weapons into the country.
On Friday morning, Zairian soldiers started cleaning up the road.
Zairian soldiers set up roadblocks along the main road to prevent refugees from wandering into the area during the drop.
A squad of 15 Zairian soldiers fled without firing a shot, they said.
Suddenly, with barely a moment's notice, Zairian soldiers began to enforce the border closing that they had announced early this morning.
But all but a few were turned back by Zairian soldiers who set upon them as soon as they reached the opposite shore.
Zairian soldiers at the airport openly approach foreigners for bribes, and drivers routinely pay off soldiers.
In September 1991, Zairian soldiers went on a rampage after the Government had failed to pay them for months.
Zairian soldiers have been pillaging villages as they flee the war, and some refugees are armed.