Some even think that choosing a new set of young pretenders gives him a bit more purchase on his seat.
Some years ago Voltan was due to be fighting a young pretender.
But all the attention to the young pretender, there's no dismissing the appeal of his older predecessor!
Like the young black pretender, he caught his party's imagination with a speech emphasising the need for change.
There has been much jeering at him for being a young pretender who slipped into power by accident.
Butyrskaya, 27, needed nothing less in light of the way the two younger pretenders to her throne performed.
The mists here have swallowed many a young pretender.
In 1745 the young pretender advanced as far as nearby Swarkestone.
To win the heart of the Young Pretender.
His spectacular detail became valued and drawings of the old and young pretender commanded high prices.
The Young Pretenders was republished by Persephone Books in 2007.
When the Young Pretender died in 1788, he left some of his music books to Greatorex, who returned to London the same year.
It then returned home to battle the Young Pretender's forces at the battles of Falkirk and Culloden in 1746.
In Scotland, the Young Pretender landed in the Highlands and began raising an army to retake the throne.
He made a tour of Italy in 1753 and used a spy to gain intelligence of the Young Pretender's court at Rome.
A Fund raising for the Italian Gentleman,' &c., 1750 (the reference is to the Young Pretender).
Jacobite tendencies caused the family to send their best blood to be spilled in the Young Pretender's cause.
Ward was employed as the Young Pretender's food taster.
In 1743 the French decided to send an invading force to Britain, led by 'the Young Pretender', as his enemies called him.
The Young Pretender had his headquarters here during a 3-day sojourn in Dumfries towards the end of 1745.