Young people are the most important thing you have in any area.
Young people three, four years out of college and have never had a job.
Young people have the same potential for good or bad.
Young people aren't following the news in the way their parents are.
Young people are more likely to be without health care or a job.
Young people like you didn't talk so much when they were alone, on my world.
Of the 50, only 6 were children or young people.
And action to put our young people back to work.
If I ask most young black people what's the problem?
Many groups of young people also usually try to go to the top just for having a good time with their friends.
Barbara Marcia Ker-Seymer (20 January 1905-25 May 1994) was a British photographer and society figure, considered one of the group designated by the tabloid press as 'Bright Young People'.
It says: "To All Long Island Young People: Don't end up a statistic.
'Jazz for Young People' Wynton Marsalis Alice Tully Hall (212) 721-6500 (Centercharge) Recommended ages: 5 and up Tomorrow Wynton Marsalis is going to try something difficult: teaching the blues to children.
His 'Sermons on various Subjects addressed to Young People' was also reissued in 1802, with a memoir of the author by Dr. J. Erskine.
"The Secretary-General in his Five-Year Action Agenda identified 'Working with and for Women and Young People' as one of his top priorities" said a UN spokesperson in a note to the media.
She performed in numerous theatrical and musical productions as a youth with the San Francisco-based Young People's Teen Musical Theater Company.
The Arena was one of the four nominees for the 2007 International Emmy Award in the 'Children and Young People' category.
Mission-shaped Youth: Rethinking Young People and Church by Lindsay Urwin, Tim Sudworth, Graham Cray, and Chris Russell (May 2007)
'Appealing to Young People' "It's here, and it's not going to go away," said Ron Verblauw, director of the Eastern Division for the National Ski Patrol.
While in Scotland, Mary-Louise spoke at the inaugural District Nazarene Young People's Society Convention in the British Isles.