And not for the first time, they can thank a young person.
Some young person asked him what he thought about death.
She seems like a young person with a great deal of potential.
And every young person under 25 will be in a similar situation of training, education, or work experience within six months.
For the first time in my life, I felt like something other than a young person.
If you're a young person thinking about a career, learn to program.
"They will just get another young person when this one goes bad."
That is to say, the young person who did so should have known better.
But most of all to a young person like yourself.
There is not one young person who cannot play his part.
"Why don't you go dance with the pretty young things in the other room?"
She was pretty, like all the other young things who came to the company.
It means a lot to her to have a fresh, pretty young thing like you about the house.
Since then he has been her point man for keeping up with all things young.
The sweet young thing on the left is a man.
He went off, talking himself out of making any passes at such a young thing.
What bright young things are out there at the moment?
You're still a pretty young thing after all these years.
I know how this works, a young thing like you moving up in the world.
The pretty young thing that your mind was really on, I mean.
At least for the younger individuals, a high running speed is plausible.
In a healthy population, the age structure looks something like a pyramid, with more young individuals than adults.
At that time, he was the youngest individual to hold public office in Alberta.
If we require all young individuals to buy insurance, the premiums would pay for only the medical resources they use.
The shell color is bright orange in very young individuals.
However, there has been interest in learning the language by younger individuals.
A young individual of the alien race had approximately the same dimensions as an adult human being.
Since this plant is a young individual without much experience, we think you could even control the exchange.
Smith became the youngest individual to be on a board of education in the state of Texas.
This could be due to its association with a young individual.