Awards went to 11 design teams, including two New York-based groups.
The Friends is a New York-based nonprofit group involved in the preservation of France's architectural heritage.
Ms. Costa appeared with a largely New York-based group, not her own touring ensemble, and there was nothing particularly gripping about the group's sound.
Two other New York-based groups that specialize less in early music offer honorable efforts.
Throughout the '80s, he was involved in a number of Chicago- and New York-based groups with various musicians, but no recordings have been released.
Groove was a priority of the New York-based groups, too.
Recognition Equipment's board had rejected an earlier offer by the New York-based group of $12.75 a share.
Last year, the endowment awarded about $17 million to New York-based groups, less than half of that awarded by the state council.
The New York-based group has become a clearinghouse for information about abuses of journalists around the world.
The New York-based group said it had visited 20 detention facilities in Tripoli and interviewed 53 detainees.