Ofra Haza, Israeli pop and oriental singer (Yemenite family)
Haza grew up in a traditional Yemenite family who lived in Tel Aviv's poor Hatikva neighborhood.
In 1950s, 1,033 children of Yemenite immigrant families disappeared.
Ben-Dror Yemini was born in Tel-Aviv to a Yemenite Jewish family.
Amnon Yitzhak was born in Tel Aviv, Israel to a Yemenite Jewish family.
Among the immigrants to the city were Russian and other European immigrants and also 40 Yemenite families.
The group was founded in 1949 by Sara Levi-Tanai, Jerusalem-born of a Yemenite family.
According to her recollection of events, he was born Zekharia Hadad in 1910 to a Yemenite Jewish family in Ibb.
There was a story that, between 1949-51, up to 1,033 children of Yemenite immigrant families may have disappeared from the immigrant camps.
Cohen is from a Yemenite family and lives in a circumscribed world; the Arab Mishal's Israel, which he supports warmly, is a wide-open place.