By midmorning in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, big video screens were filled with images of scores of young Yemeni men in flowered garb, carrying swords.
"If the American troops come here, then at some point I will end up bearing arms against them," warned an American-educated, pro-Western Yemeni man.
The dead Yemeni man was identified by DOD for the first time as Ali Abdullah Ahmed.
He also holds intense sessions with earnest young Yemeni men, whom he dazzles with tales of bin Laden and imprecations against the West, while cautioning them against terrorism.
Two days ago, a busload of 25 Egyptian, Iraqi, Palestinian and Yemeni men were pushed across the border.
He is currently defending a Yemeni man who worked as Osama bin Laden's driver in Afghanistan.
Defense lawyers have also tried to suggest that the planner belonged to a mentally ill Yemeni man, now dead.
Almost all Yemeni men chew it after lunch, and almost all Western journalists try it when they visit.
As Karman grabbed a microphone and began speaking, a pair of young Yemeni men standing next to me began to whisper to each other.
Just imagine what guts it must have taken to defend and persevere with a relationship with a Chinese or Yemeni man as far back as the early 1900s.