Send in the Yankee troops from the land of M.I.T. and Harvard.
They were ordered into ranks and stood at attention as the blue column of Yankee troops,Sherman leading the way, marched toward them, out from the defensive positions.
The Yankee troops would probably destroy the manor anyhow.
In 1863, people here survived the siege of Yankee troops and the Battle of Bayou Bourbeaux.
Born here in Florry, but lived in England, and chummed with the Yankee troops here.
No one wore a blue blouse, for fear of being mistaken for a Yankee troop, but that was as far as uniformity went there.
I think the Yankee troops-" "I meant about my moustaches.
But David no longer even noticed the Yankee troops.
Start it even faster if you usedblack Yankee troops.
His attire is elegant, his dream beyond reproach - a Southern vic-tory over invading Yankee troops.