The Yankees realize this, so it is not as if they need a fresh scouting report against the A's every time out.
The Yankees must realize games do not end by the sixth or seventh anymore.
The Yankees and the Red Sox, more than half a century later, realized that again last night.
Granderson doesn't seem like a platoon player, but the more often the Yankees realize it, the better.
The Yankees realize they are, in effect, seeing themselves.
Still, the Yankees realized they could not afford to lose his impact in the clubhouse.
But the Yankees also realize the benefits of pitching Pettitte at home.
The Yankees should realize they are not whole unless Cone is cruising.
But, in this ever-fluctuating economic environment, even the Yankees realize they must do more than point to their 26 flags to entice fans.
Only winning can stave these perils off completely, the Yankees must realize.