Allen's greatness will not be puffed up in death; in life, even Yankee haters would acknowledge his stature.
I may be the only person qualified to explain this to you, especially if you are among those people who have proudly proclaimed themselves "Yankee haters."
You know if you are one of those so-called Yankee haters who really hates yourself.
In the fall of 2001, even devoted Yankee haters found it hard to root against a team with New York in its name.
And there's always George Steinbrenner, the best thing ever to happen to a Yankee hater.
She is a Yankee hater of the unforgiving sort.
I grew up a Yankee hater from Boston.
His garrulous, infectious style bonded him to fans but made Yankee haters loathe the team more.
There stood Torre, the manager who put such a human face on this organization that even the most ardent Yankee haters had to pause.
I have not become a Yankee hater, as are many of my new compatriots.