With the single-mindedness of a Yankee farmer, he has plowed his furrow, holding fast to a vision of American cuisine as an infinitely renewable resource.
His father was a Yankee farmer without much money.
In a desperate, all-day battle fought in intense summer heat, the army of Yankee farmers killed or captured 900 men from the British detachment.
In time he would gain fame as a vaudeville comedian and character actor for his dead-on portrayals of the stereotypical Yankee farmer.
If you study the walls, the Thorsons say, you'll see the unending struggles of Yankee farmers.
Hale's Yankee farmer, more than Pilgrims in stiff white collars, epitomizes the American Thanksgiving.
Oh, heavens' It lay abandoned in the field, and what mad adventure waited now for some Yankee farmer, she dreaded to imagine.
It is like the Yankee farmer who says he has used the same ax all his life; he has simply changed the handle twice and the head three times.
The quick answer is: from Yankee farmers who in clearing their fields ended up with piles of stones.
TAKE some old Yankee farmers, the stubborn kind determined to make a go of things where others have failed.