Within four years, it should reach $500 million, according to the Yankee Group, a Boston research company.
Comparable figures on the phone companies are difficult to separate from overall industry investment, according to the Yankee Group.
The Yankee Group, another research firm, predicts that the revenue will be far higher this year, at about $50 million.
The Yankee Group predicts that by 1993 all of the major telephone manufacturers will be in the screen phone business.
American corporations spent $138 billion on telecommunications services in 2004, according to the Yankee Group.
According to the Yankee Group, cable subscribers spend an average $39 a month for the service.
Analysts from research firms like the Yankee Group expect that share to rise to 50 percent over the next few years.
In another study, the Yankee Group found that 21 percent of consumers did not like today's radio offerings.
Founded in 1970, the Yankee Group emerged as the first independent technology research and consulting firm.
If approved, the two resulting companies will control 56 percent of the country's $134 billion market in serving businesses, according to the Yankee Group.