The game was announced in March 2004 as an Xbox title.
Blue Dragon is the first Xbox 360 title to make use of multiple discs, spanning three discs in total.
Microsoft promptly turned it into an Xbox exclusive title.
While every Xbox 360 title must be developed in high definition, Sony officials are playing down that aspect of the new PlayStation.
Matter, an Xbox 360-exclusive title for the Kinect was also shown.
It is the first Xbox 360 title to allow full avatar player control in the New Xbox Experience.
This new Xbox 360 title was released later that year in Japan, with a North American release on February 5, 2008.
That said, Gears 2 still stands as the single best Xbox 360 title due out for the holiday season, and an exceedingly well-made game.
In 2004, Ryu and the series returned with a new Xbox title, Ninja Gaiden.
Although most gamer challenges have predetermined schedule of Xbox 360 titles, the video games can be changed to fit the party's preferences.