There has also been an uproar from local Wyoming residents about the demographic of residents that live or visit the local caravan park.
However, the governor justified the law by claiming that this would reduce the amount of out-of-state spending by Wyoming residents.
State Senator John Vinich scored well, pushing the conservatives' national agenda in favor of issues important to Wyoming residents.
One of the most important constituent services offered is assisting Wyoming residents in dealing with federal agencies.
No matter what the reasons are for the route change, Wyoming residents say they will be happy to hear the rumblings of passenger trains again.
The commercial ends with a cameo appearance by a bull - a Wyoming resident appropriately named Dollar - which is a hint of what is to come.
We can accept flag requests only from Wyoming residents.
Lorna Johnson, a lifelong Wyoming resident who led the campaign against it, said: "It's a very conservative electorate here.
He pushed for statewide voter registration so that the voting histories of Wyoming residents follow them whenever they move.