Wright is writing a memoir about the home for troubled teens he was sent to during his childhood.
Wright wrote 10 books starring Edith and the bears.
Wright - so long as he remained in exile - could write what he liked.
In the last years of his life, Wright became enamored with the haiku and wrote over 4,000 such poems.
But she did write the letter, and Wright wrote a warm letter back.
Wright wrote that architecture proceeds "according to the nature of man and his circumstances as they both change."
Wright wrote a series of short stories for Warner Brothers film studio in the early 1930s.
As Wright wrote in 1910, "it is quite impossible to consider the building one thing and its furnishings another.
Wright may then have written and employed the first computer program for factor analysis in the social sciences.
Between 1902 and 1942 Wright wrote 19 books, several stage plays, and many magazine articles.