The scientific and engineering staff at Wright Field had played a pivotal role in all of these developments.
"Given the circumstances, we thought you might not mind providing us with a little information on your work at Wright Field."
But that's what these things really look like because I saw the one they trucked up to Wright Field.
The remaining bodies were kept in storage at Wright Field initially.
This, the engineers at Wright Field believed, was also based on wave stimulation.
He was assigned to flight-test duty at Wright Field after the war.
The aircraft was returned to the Army for testing at Wright Field in the summer of 1934.
This resulted in his being sent back to Wright Field.
By 1943, well over 800 major, and thousands of minor research and development projects were in progress at Wright Field.
A model of his invention was built at Wright Field in 1918.
The scientific and engineering staff at Wright Field had played a pivotal role in all of these developments.
"Given the circumstances, we thought you might not mind providing us with a little information on your work at Wright Field."
But that's what these things really look like because I saw the one they trucked up to Wright Field.
The remaining bodies were kept in storage at Wright Field initially.
This, the engineers at Wright Field believed, was also based on wave stimulation.
He was assigned to flight-test duty at Wright Field after the war.
The aircraft was returned to the Army for testing at Wright Field in the summer of 1934.
This resulted in his being sent back to Wright Field.
By 1943, well over 800 major, and thousands of minor research and development projects were in progress at Wright Field.
A model of his invention was built at Wright Field in 1918.